Houston professional photography modeling portfolio
“Tips for Aspiring Models”

It’s all about first impressions–especially in the modeling world. Your photos, comp card or modeling portfolio will always be seen before you get a chance to dazzle them with your personality in person, so it’s really important to grab the attention of agencies or clients with strong images.
Make sure that the pictures that you select when you build a modeling portfolio have the ability to WOW agencies and potential clients.
Shots to include in your portfolio:
- Beauty shot.
- Smiling shot.
- Natural light shot.
- Editorial shots.
- Swimsuit shot at the beach or a pool.
- Full length fashion shot in front of seamless paper.
- Tear sheets from print publications (not webzines). If no one has heard of it, don’t use it.
- Very light makeup shot or no makeup shot wearing jeans and a tank top.
- Sexy but tasteful lingerie shots.
- Full-length and frontal / side with hair up headshots
Remember, you are only as good as your worst image. Agencies, and clientswill remember your worst image.